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Hands on With the Past

Pagosa Springs has an active and varied history filled with explorers, trappers, miners, loggers, and the first inhabitants to the area, American Indians. Pagosa Springs is at the doorstep of several opportunities to experience the past of the First People. For something close, we suggest visiting Chimney Rock National Monument or the Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum in nearby Ignacio, Colorado. With a little more time in your itinerary, you won't want to miss a visit to Mesa Verde National Park, near Cortez, Colorado.

Aztec Ruins National Monument

Aztec, New Mexico 87410

Cortez Cultural Center

Cortez, CO 81321
Phone: 970-565-1151

Chimney Rock National Monument

Chimney Rock, CO 81121

Southern Ute Cultural Center & Museum

Ignacio, CO 81137
Phone: 970-563-9583

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