Halloween Hootenanny in Pagosa Springs
Things are getting spooky in Pagosa Springs this Halloween. Join us for a ghoulish weekend of fun during the Halloween Hootenanny on October 26th. The Hootenanny includes trick-or-treating and kids activities, a witch (& warlock) hot air balloon fly in, a witch-costumed paddle boarding event, live music, food trucks, beer garden, & costume contests.

Join us for the
Halloween Hootenanny!
October 26th, 2024
**all events TBD & subject to change**
8:00 AM - Witches (& Warlock) Fly In Hot Air Balloon
by Pagosa Adventure
Witches & Warlocks get a FREE hot air balloon ride. All participants must register in advance through Pagosa Adventure by calling 970-946-4450. Come costumed and ready to have a ‘bewitching’ time over Pagosa Springs!
10:00 AM - Witches on Water Paddleboarding
at PLPOA Lake
Gather your coven and tell them not to forget their magical paddleboards! Meet up at the Pagosa Lake Dam off of Cloudcap and Park Avenue. No registration necessary. Costumes are encouraged! Come ready to have a ‘bewitching’ time on the lake! Life vests/personal flotation devices required to participate.
12-2pm - Kid's Trick-or-Treating
(Annual event organized by Parks & Rec)
This annual event is sponsored by the Parks & Recreation department and includes loads of fun and candy for kids. Stop by and visit several stops along the way and collect candy and treats at Yamaguchi Park. Come have a Hooten good time trick or treating at Yamaguchi Park and get some candy and a good time for all! Costumes are encouraged but not mandatory.
12-2pm - Costume Contest
Sign-Up for the contest ends at 2pm in Yamaguchi Park.
2-5pm - Kid's Games
(Organized by Boy Scout Troop 807)
Bring the kiddos for fun games at Yamaguchi Park.
12-5pm - LIVE Music
Featuring two fun bands: Joy's Familiar and GREEN BUDDHA.
12-2pm Joy's Familiar (Indie/Folk)
3-5pm GREEN BUDDHA (Reggae/Ska/Rock)
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